Looking for a career in defence engineering?
Defence engineering focuses on the development and production of technology that is used to ensure national security and to maintain the stability of governments and nations throughout the world. Defence engineers are responsible for the design, construction and repair of military vehicles, systems and equipment.
Common roles include risk assessment engineer or safety case author. Modern engineering on this scale is a team activity, and you’ll work with a team of professional engineers. You could work in any of the following disciplines: software development, hardware/electronics, mechanical/electrical engineering, systems engineering, human factors/ergonomics, research & development, supportability & training, production/manufacturing, quality engineering, sales and marketing.
If you’re considering working in this sector you’ll need to possess excellent maths, science and IT skills, the ability to explain ideas and plans clearly, confident decision-making ability, project management skills and good teamworking skills.
Talented defence engineers are very much in demand, and large budgets and limitless resources mean that engineering teams get the chance to work on some of the most progressive technologies in the world. Problem-solving, research and presentation skills are required for this exciting role.