Company Profile
The National Industrialization Company (TASNEE) was established in 1405H, corresponding to 1985, as the first joint-stock industrial company fully owned by the private sector. The company pursued the path of industrialisation as one of the best options for diversification of the economic base and boosting of the overall growth in Saudi Arabia. It endeavoured to translate its clear vision to be a leading industrial company which is committed towards its shareholders and related parties worldwide. The secret of the Company’s strength is its wide experience and skilled-labor, state–of-the art technologies and products and innovative solutions which add value to its products and services locally and offshore.
The Company has grown to become the second largest industrial Saudi Company and the second largest producer of titanium dioxide in the world.
TASNEE erects, manages, operates and owns petrochemical, chemical, plastic, engineering, and metal projects and provides industrial services and markets its products through five major sectors.