Highways England

Company Profile

It’s an excit­ing time to start a High­ways Eng­land career. With £11 bil­lion to invest in major road improve­ments over the next 5 years, there’s an oppor­tu­nity for you to be part of some­thing special.

Along­side jobs in large engi­neer­ing and con­struc­tion schemes, as well as traf­fic offi­cer jobs keep­ing the net­work flow­ing, we have a host of oppor­tu­ni­ties in other areas, rang­ing from finance to ICT.

In addition to joining a dynamic new organ­i­sa­tion that will pos­i­tively affect the lives of millions, you’ll be rewarded in var­i­ous ways:

  • Com­pet­i­tive pay and ben­e­fits, along­side an excel­lent pension
  • Flex­i­ble work­ing arrange­ments, as well as wider ben­e­fits includ­ing child­care vouch­ers and study support
  • A wide range of learn­ing and devel­op­ment opportunities
  • Fair and open per­for­mance man­age­ment based on what you achieve and how you achieve it

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