Psychometric Testing
Practice makes perfect
If you are a graduate seeking an engineering position, the chances are you will be required to take a number of psychometric assessments. Almost all engineering firms use these tests as part of their graduate recruitment process so it is essential you know when to expect before you begin.
The psychometric testing area will offer you the opportunity to practice the following tests for free:
1. Engineer aptitude tests
2. Engineer technical tests
3. Personality and situational judgement tests
The tests are standardised which allows assessors to make accurate comparisons between applicants.
Incredible they are taken online in advance of the interview process, but you may also be asked to complete a test at an assessment centre or on the day of an interview.
It is unlikely you will be familiar with the style and format of the questions, so visit the Psychometric Testing Area at the exhibition to practice sample tests for free and get an idea of what to expect.
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